Using gnuplot to plot 3D graphs…
…with a little help from awk…
For instance the following awk took the list of the 1st 1000 prime numbers and added a column for the difference between each of the prime numbers:
“awk ‘{ p = $1; getline; p = $1 – p; print NR” “p” “$1 }’ plist.txt > p8.txt”
Here’s the gnuplot file:
set dgrid3d 20,20
set hidden3d
set ticslevel 0
set term png
set out “p17.png”
splot “p8.txt” using 1:2:3 title “prime” with lines
And here’s the graph it created:
Here are some more graphs – again using the 1st 1000 prime numbers for data but for each one I’ve created another column of data based upon some manipulation of the primes:
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