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Classic Mind Control | Nigel Pond – IT Consultant, Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA), MicroStrategy Certified Engineer (MCE)

Classic Mind Control

I offer the following information, as some of you have expressed an interest in the subject.

Whilst travelling the subject of the relationship between NLP and mind control came up. Since I had just completed my article on Covert Hypnosis it was a logical question. I stress, NLP consists of practical mental techniques to influence people. NLP and hypnosis have an undeserved reputation of manipulation – like mind control. This is based on people over-promising and under-delivering on the magic of NLP as an influence technology. My mentor likes to say, “NLP elicits desired responses in other people,” because he feels the term “manipulative/mind control” has a negative flavour to it. I agree with this, as long as the person has no deep desire to disagree with you. In this light, I decided that I would go over the basics of classic mind control techniques in a seminar. This is based on my research of declassified CIA material and other literature on the subjects of mind control, brain washing, cult training, and psychology. I thought I would share it with you, since you may recognize some similarities with any type of intense training you may have attended. This month I will go over how to break down psychological defenses and start classic mind control techniques.

Here are the basic steps of classic mind control:

  1. Isolation: You have to remove the person from his or her support group. This ith the first critical part of building the dependence necessary for breaking down psychological defenses. This is removal from family, firends, and normal support systems. The military does this in basic training. It can also be done at a resort or facility. The key is – no normal contact with support systems.
  2. Control of Communications: The next thing must be control of all communications; this is a continuation of the isolation process. All communications with others will be controlled and handled by the handlers. This can be as obvious as what happens in millitary basic training, or as subtle as having breaks spread out and shortened so it is hard to make contact and communicate with anyone outside of the group. This also starts to build dependence upon the handlers. You must go through them for any communications – outside the group or inside. You see this in groups that do not allow open communications within the group and restrain communications with those outside the group. This is greatly amplified in our constant communication age. We are so used to always being in contact. Loss of this, even for a while leads to distress. Informers are set up at this stage; the insider is the one who reports back to the trainers or handlers.
  3. Fatigue: Physical fatigue adds to the effect of breaking down a person’s psychological strengths and defenses. You can do this through physical exercise and training (military) or just by starting early and going late in a high energy, fast pace setting (look at the indoctrination of any cult – i.e. David Koresh at Waco). As you get tired, you are easier to handle and “go along” with ideas much more smoothly.
  4. Control of Food, Water and Rest: The targeted individuals are made aware of the independence of the handlers (or trainers) for the timing of food and water breaks. Bathroom breaks can also be added to this to amplify the effect of loss of control. Timing of rest is also up to the trainers or handlers. This also leads to blood supar levels being off and it the mercy of the handlers. (in the old CIA and KGB material, tobacco was also used as means of control. For those of us who are old enough to remomber when a majority of adults smoked, the withdrawal adds to intense feelings.) It can be as simple as in a ristrictive setting like the military or jails, or subtle like an intense seminar (fire walking).
  5. Using the person’s own criticism against himself: Once the person is tired and possibly hungry, he begins to doubt his own judgement, thinking maybe they (the trainers) are right, or I am wrong, or both. This is amplified if the trainers have a biography on yo uso they know something about you. This is where they begin to used it. You may remember films where they use “inside information” to help turn the person. This is the reason they try to learn as much about their target as they can – so they can use it. You may also be aware of seminars that obtain information on your goals, hopes, and dreams and use that information to manipulate you later.
  6. Bypass the resistance of the conscious mind: This can be done by hypnosis – both overtly, as in a guided meditation or hypnotic induction, or covertly, with the use of metaphor and stories. Other hypnotic processes may come into play. The main one is getting a highly charged emotional response (fire walk, board breark, breaking an addiction) and linking that to a desired response. A psychological breakthrough, real or imagined, can also be used. These emotional reactions are powerful tools. If they are used at night when you’re tired (and hungry), the effect is amplified. (This is where drugs would come into play in the old CIA literature.)
  7. Friendliness and helpfulness of the trainers or handlers upset a person’s ability to maintain a critical attitude: This is especially true if you voluntarily have entered the process, because you are now vested in the situation. You will defend the ideas or concepts presented for the above reasons, and now your critical factores help justify the change and give credit to the trainers or handlers (or their ideas) for what went on in the process. Although you did the work, you think, “Everything I am I owe to …” This is very powerful for the emotional breakthroughss and reactions achieved in the process.
  8. Surprise – the use of unexpected events or things: A day off, a special presentation, something that throws off the sense of ritual.

The above factors lead to the following states being created in your target. They may vary in order, but will happen if given time.

  1. A feeling of helplessness (in classic situations) or a sense of needing something from the trainer or handler (in social settings). This could be intensified by having the person think of the problems she would like to overcome, which she has not been able to overcome on her own (helplessness).
  2. Initial reaction to surprise. This could be at the material, the trainer, or the crowd. The reaction throws of the internal equilibrium.
  3. A feeling of uncertainty (of what’s expected of them in classical mind control) or uncertainty that they can do what they see the trainer do.

The uncertainty leads to:

  • Dependence on hanlders or trainers.
  • Loss of objectivity and a sense of doubt.
  • Feeling of guilt for letting others down or not doing well.
  • A questioning attitude of one’s own value systems or ideas.
  • A feeling of breakdown or breakthrough.
  • A sense of belonging to the new group and needded handlers’ or trainers’ approval.
  • A need to defend new ideas.

Once you achieve the last two, they become self-reinforcing, so you defend the new ideas to stay in the group – you fear losing the approval of the new group, trainers or handlers.

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